Weapon Tier List
PvP - Closed Beta
Check out the video for gameplay and a breakdown of the weapons!
Life Staff - S
The Life Staff has insane healing power. It can out-heal almost any DPS in a 1 on 1. Almost everything you do with your Life Staff heals you or buffs your healing power. You can even stay offensive while having tons of incoming heals. The Life Staff is also littered with powerful defensive buffs, and can even have free light and heavy attacks. This weapon is also excellent for group gameplay. The Life Staff is not very mobile, but mostly circumvents this by having unholy amounts of healing power.
Great Axe - S
The Great Axe has some of the best damage in the game, with its light and heavy attacks lunging forward to give it good range. It is also one of the best weapons for hunting down a target, but it doesn’t let run away as well. Its powerful skills cancel nicely with its heavy attacks allowing for big damage combos. The Great Axe also has excellent crowd control with skills like Gravity Well. Its gap closer Charge is also one of the best in the game. This weapon also has lots of built in healing while attacking, making it the perfect offensive weapon.
Rapier - S
One of the fastest weapons on the game. The Rapier has access to Haste, a gap closer, and its own unique evade skill that can be used for offense, defense, and even movement. The Rapier scales off Dexterity and Intelligence, allowing for lots of build freedom. The highlight of this weapon is really the evade skill. It allows you to instantly cancel any skill or movement. You can use evade to frame cancel your attack into another one and so much more, making this one of the highest skill cap weapons in the game.
Fire Staff - A
A very powerful medium range and AOE magic weapon. The fire staff can hit hard and also applies a ton of burns. This weapon also has a high critical rate and high critical damage. It is one of the fastest weapons in the game thanks to its gap closer Burn Out, and also has easy access to Haste. The fire staff is all around one of the deadliest medium range weapons in the game.
Hatchet - A
A fast, rapid attacking melee weapon. It has lots of easy access to a 30% empower buff, easy access to Haste, lots of crowd control and condition removal. On top that, it can allow you to survive a lethal attack. The Hatchet also scales off Strength and Dexterity, allowing for lots of build and weapon freedom. This is the only melee weapon that also has a full ranged fighting kit. All around a powerful and flexible weapon for PvP.
Ice Gauntlet - A
A medium ranged magic weapon that does a great job controlling and freezing opponents. It has some very powerful skills for AOE control PvP. Ice Shower can immobilize and prevent foes from rolling. This pairs well with Ice Strom, a huge AOE bubble that damages and snares opponents. The Ice Gauntlet also has a save/reset with the Entombed skill, allowing you to stall the fight and regen mana until your other cooldowns are ready. If paired with a fast weapon, the Ice Gauntlet can really shine.
War Hammer - A
A slow but powerful weapon with lots of crowd control. Its abilities can do quite a bit of damage and can also pierce an opponent’s armor. The War Hammer also provides lots of Grit, making your attacks uninterruptable and deals quite a bit of stamina damage to blocking opponents. This weapon actually has some decent access to Haste and also has lots of snares, staggers, and stuns to give it a good ability to control the movement of the fight. This weapon is excellent for group gameplay as well!
Bow - A
A very powerful medium to long ranged weapon that greatly rewards good aim. The Bow is one of the most mobile weapons in the game with lots of Haste uptime, and can deal a ton of damage with headshots. The Bow also has one of the strongest damage-over-time skills in the game with Poison Shot, and it’s also an AOE!
Spear - B
The spear has excellent reach for a melee weapon. Its heavy attack in particular, can lunge quite a distance. This weapon also has access to three different stun skills, giving Spear the longest and most brutal chain stun in the game. The Spear also scales off Dexterity and Strength, allowing for lots of weapon and build freedom. The spear’s biggest drawback is its lack of haste and poor access to snares, making it a slower weapon then some of its other melee counterparts.
Sword And Shield - B
Sword and Shield has the best block in the game, even capable of blocking magical attacks. Block, however, has a downside; it can be broken by enemy attacks, resulting in you taking a stun. This makes blocking a less effective tool when fighting outnumbered. Sword and Shield does have some nice defensive passives, however, with a couple stuns and a powerful damage reduction skill. At the end of the day, a block focused defense and lack of mobility is what hurts Sword and Shield the most in PvP.
Musket - B
The Musket is the king of long ranged combat, offering instant projectile speed at the cost of a slower reload time. It can deal quite a bit of damage with the rapid-fire Shooter’s Stance skill, and has one of the best fire damage-over-time attacks in the game. This weapon also scales off Dexterity and Intelligence, allowing for lots of weapon combinations. The Musket, however, suffers at close ranged combat due to its lack of rapid attacks and slow reload times.