Abyss / Rapier PvP Build

Season 7


Unreal life steal paired with some of the best melee mobility in the game. For a light armor melee build it is surprisingly good at holding it’s ground while dishing out tons of damage. This build is a weird one but crazy fun!

Check out a video guide with gameplay for this build!


Equipment / Attributes


100 DEX is a must have for Rapier damage, while also giving the The Abyss some nice % damage boosts! As a melee light armor build I highly recommend 150 CON and 50 FOC. The additional healing power gives you a nice boost to all the life steal on this build. The Abyss is also the ONLY Great Axe that can put this build together, even if you are missing out on the 15% damage boost from having below 100% mana this guy still hits hard.

You have lots of option perk wise for the Axe, but if your following my setup I personally really like Mending Execute for the fat 6k+ healing it can give you.

The rapier should have either Leaching Flurry or Omnidirectional Evade, with Vicious / Penetrating Backstab / Attunement for the final two perks.

The ideal armor perks would be Refreshing / Elemental Aversion / Shirking Heals. You can substitute Aversion for Enchanted ward too! At least one Hasted Vigor is also a must have. Freedom would also be great on this build since we don’t have a CC break outside of Stoneform.

You 100% NEED Leaching Flurry if your using Flurry on this build, so if your Rapier has Omni, then get Leaching Flurry on your armor and vice versa.

I prefer Tumbler’s Footwraps for any solo PvP thanks to the healing / empower / fortify it gives. Great Axe can easily hit Empower cap with these and the Rapier can get up to 42% too! The Winged Leather Shoes are also a great option since this build will almost always be hasted! Attuned Leather Pants are also a good choice if your lower gear score and can’t hit those Attribute Jump points.

The jewelry is perfect. You don’t need an artifact item here, but feel free to use one of your choice.

Use the best food you can find, honing stones, and mana pots for that healthy toast perk! I prefer Infused Regeneration potions since they give the most healing out of all your choices in PvP.


Active Skills


Great Axe Skills

Life steal and mobility are the skills of choice for me. Mending Execute can heal you for over 6k health when you land a big hit, and the healing from Reap fits perfectly with this build.

Since this is a full melee setup I really like the additional range that Reap gives you on top of having two gap closers!

You have lots of flexibility with the skill on this guy, with maelstrom being a great damage option if you prefer that skill!


Rapier Skills

Going with the Life Steal theme Leaching Flurry fits well into this builds playstyle. You can however go for Riposte instead to ensure landing those big Executes!

Evade and Fleche are must haves for this setup as both give you tons of offensive and defensive utility.