A pairing of melee focused weapons that, when combined, offer solid offensive and defensive capabilities. Utilizes a combination of arcing swings and lunges for the offensive melee attacks and a Shield to maximize defenses.
Scales primarily with Strength and secondarily with Dexterity.
Light Attack: Deals 100% Slash damage.
Light Ender: Deals 105% Slash damage.
Heavy Attack: Deals 120% Thrust damage.
Charged Heavy: Deals 160% Thrust damage.
Base Critical chance: 3%.
Base Critical damage: + 30%.
One-handed with shield.
You can choose up to 19 skills from your weapon trees at level 20 mastery.
Active Skills
Reverse Stab
Whirling Blade
Leaping Strike
Passive Skills
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
Final Row