Greatsword / Rapier PvP Build

Season 7



The fastest melee build in the game. Can easily hit the haste cap, has fantastic durability / healing, and as always it hits like a truck. This build was super fun to play on the new OPR map, easily escaping large groups and hunt down foes.

You can play this guy with ANY of the artifact Rapiers / Greatswords too!


Check out a video guide with gameplay for this build!


With the healing changes and this being a melee build that uses regen pots, we need 150 - 200 CON. The health pool is super important for your survivability!! 50 FOC is also a must have to boost all our healing.

100 STR gives great boosts to both weapons damage since this is an all physical spec.

300 DEX is super important for that CC break on top of both weapons scaling from DEX.

50 INT is the finishing touch for that additional crit damage and boosted damage vs bleeding foes.

You will need at least four 725 items and the best food (+48 stat) in order to reach these stat thresholds. If you don’t have this then just run 150+ CON!


  • 25: +5% light attack damage. +10% mining speed.

  • 50: +10% heavy attack damage. +25 encumbrance.

  • 100: +10% physical damage. +50 encumbrance.


  • 25: +5% critical hit chance. +10% skinning speed.

  • 50: +5% damage while at full health. +20% haste for 3s after skinning.

  • 100: +5% damage while stamina is not full. +50 encumbrance.

  • 150: +15% duration to damage over time effects. -10% weight of skinned items.

  • 200: +10% bonus backstab and headshot damage. +20% skinning speed.

  • 250: Gain 10% empower for 3s after successfully dodging an attack. +10% yield increase when skinning.

  • 300: Weapon swapping will cleanse all stun and root crowd control status effects (30s cooldown). Gain 20% haste for 5s after killing Prey (Effect is removed when a hit is taken).


  • 25: +5% damage increase to backstabs and random critical hits. +10% harvest speed.

  • 50: +5% damage increase to targets inflicted with a damage over time effect. +5% chance for 1 azoth when harvesting.


  • 25: +5% ability cooldown reduction. +5% chance to catch larger fish.

  • 50: 10% incoming healing. +3% fishing cast distance.


  • 25: All health consumables are 10% stronger. +10% Logging speed.

  • 50: +10% physical armor when at or above 50% health. 10% reduction on durability loss for tools.

  • 100: Increase max health by 10%. +50 encumbrance.

  • 150: -10% to critical damage taken. -10% weight of logging items.

  • 200: +10% increase to physical and elemental armor. +20% Logging speed.




You can use any artifact weapon of choice here, but I love Grace for the speed it gives even after swapping weapons! Gambit is the gem of choice for both weapons.

Since Grace cannot have Trenchant Strikes, I opted for an attunement perk.

The ideal Rapier would be Omni Evade, Penetrating Backstab, and Vicious / Rouge.

The ideal armor perks would be Refreshing / Health / Shirking Heals. Hasted Vigor is also a must have since it will have excellent uptime in PvP.

On the armor, Leeching Flurry is also a must have to add tons of utility to Flurry. Relentless Freedom would be a good weapon perk to have too.

The jewelry is perfect. You don’t need an artifact item here, but Ankh would be a good option! The elemental band works just fine if you just need another 725 piece.

As always use the best food you can find, honing stones, and mana pots for that healthy toast perk! I greatly prefer Regen Serums for the healing and stamina sustain they give, but regular regeneration pots work well too.


Active Skills


Steadfast Strike - 2/3 Upgrades

Not only does this move do some good damage, but it staggers, heals you, and returns stamina.

A fantastic move to turn around a bad situation or for reaching an opponent that’s trying to escape!

The only downside here is that this move does not have GRIT.

Crosscut - 3/3 Upgrades

This skill does a TON of damage, has GRIT, but it is a bit slow on the final hit. I really like canceling this skill after a heavy attack with a roll,

Heavy > Crosscut > Roll Cancel after the 2nd slash

This combo hits very hard and is deceptively fast and smooth to use!

Relentless Rush - 2/4 Upgrades

A decent gap closer that can do a ton of damage when both hits land, great for attacking or defending. Can also cleanse roots with the Relentless Freedom weapon perk!


Flurry - 3/5 Upgrades

A powerful life steeling combo move that give momentary invulnerability thanks to the Leaching Flurry perk.

This skill lets you trade blows with anyone and come out on top, in the footage it saves my ass soooo many times..

Evade - 5/5 Upgrades

The bread and butter of Rapier gameplay. You can use this to attack, defend, or move around quickly.

Be creative with this skill as it has a super high skill ceiling!

Fleche - 4/4 Upgrades

Our second gap closer and it also does a ton of damage.

you can easily reposition yourself behind people with this, not to mention you can use it to move through opponents to escape a body block!