Serenity / Musket PvP Build
Season 4
This build is unexpectedly a very good build, it has super high damage, mobility and healing power. Mixing the huge damage of Serenity with Traps gives you a brutal trap combo that can kill super quickly while healing you to full health.
This is one of the hardest hitting build I have ever played.. Hope you all enjoy!
Check out a video guide with gameplay for this build!
We can get away with 100 CON on this build thanks to all that life stealing! Feel free to put more if you want. The 100 STR makes a HUGE difference for your Greatsword damage so if you want to run more con I recommend dropping 50 points from INT first, then 50 from STR if you want even more!
At 100 CON I found this stat split gives the best damage for both Musket and Greatsword, with a focus on Greatsword damage.
25: +5% light attack damage. +10% mining speed.
50: +10% heavy attack damage. +25 encumbrance.
100: +10% physical damage. +50 encumbrance.
25: +5% critical hit chance. +10% skinning speed.
50: +5% damage while at full health. +20% haste for 3s after skinning.
100: +5% damage while stamina is not full. +50 encumbrance.
150: +15% duration to damage over time effects. -10% weight of skinned items.
200: +10% bonus backstab and headshot damage. +20% skinning speed.
250: Gain 10% empower for 3s after successfully dodging an attack. +10% yield increase when skinning.
300: Weapon swapping will cleanse all stun and root crowd control status effects (30s cooldown). Ammo has 15% chance of being returned.
350: +15% crit chance while empowered. +10% chance at finding rare items while skinning.
25: +5% damage increase to backstabs and random critical hits. +10% harvest speed.
50: +5% damage increase to targets inflicted with a damage over time effect. +5% chance for 1 azoth when harvesting.
25: All health consumables are 10% stronger. +10% Logging speed.
50: +10% physical armor when at or above 50% health. 10% reduction on durability loss for tools.
100: Increase max health by 10%. +50 encumbrance.
I prefer adding the gem slot to Serenity, but feel free to go for a weapon perk here too! Ideally I would have an Opal with a DOT runeglass on it.
The Musket is perfect, since I run 100 STR I think an opal DOT runeglass would be a good gem choice here too, but an elemental split is fine since most people build against thrust anyhow.
The armor has fantastic perks, ideally I would have 5 Shirking Heals, 5 aversion perks, refreshing / weapon skill. Shirking energy is always nice in light armor!
Crippling Powder Burn and Energizing Counter would be the weapon perks to add that I am missing!
The jewelry is perfect!
As always use the best food you can find, honing stones, and health / mana / regeneration / OP new super potions introduced in the expansion! Of course remember to use the desert sunrise drink to give you more DOT resistance!
Active Skills
Calamity Counter - 2/3 Upgrades
I love this skill for the defensive utility it provides, allowing you to sort of reflect incoming attacks with a knockback.
I would recommend having the energizing counter weapon perk if you can too.
I also don’t mind running Steadfast Strike here instead!
Crosscut - 3/3 Upgrades
This skill does a TON of damage, has GRIT, but it is a bit slow on the final hit. I really like canceling this skill after a heavy attack with a roll,
Heavy > Crosscut > Roll Cancel after the 2nd slash
This combo hits very hard and is deceptively fast and smooth to use!
Relentless Rush - 2/4 Upgrades
A decent gap closer that can do a ton of damage when both hits land, great for attacking or defending.
Power Shot - 3/4 Upgrades
A powerful shot that’s great for bursting or finishing a target. Feel free to run sticky bomb here if you want!
Powder Burn - 3/3 Upgrades
With crippling powder burn this skill does fantastic damage and offers great utility! The burn from this is no joke.
Traps - 4/4 Upgrades
Thanks to Accelerating Traps this skill not only can slow foes down but gives you a massive speed boost for escaping.
If anyone steps in the trap you can punish them super hard with your Greatsword while also healing tons of health!