Rapier / Fire Staff PvP Build
Season 4
My favorite build is the best it has ever been. Amazing burst damage, mobility and now with unfair amounts of healing power / DOT resistance. This build is amazing for any PvP combat but really shines as a solo PvP build in 1vX fights!
This build has some serious style to its gameplay, so I hope you guys give it a try!!
Check out a video guide with gameplay for this build!
I always prefer 150 CON for any build that has to do melee fighting, but this guy has the mobility to get away with less! With the new gem scaling I wouldn’t recommend more than 50 points in DEX!
25: +5% critical hit chance. +10% skinning speed.
50: +5% damage while at full health. +20% haste for 3s after skinning.
25: +5% damage increase to backstabs and random critical hits. +10% harvest speed.
50: +5% damage increase to targets inflicted with a damage over time effect. +5% chance for 1 azoth when harvesting.
100: +10% damage to light and heavy elemental attacks. +50 encumbrance.
150: +15% to elemental damage. -10% weight of harvested items.
200: +10 mana on critical hit. +20% harvest speed.
250: +30% duration to applied damage over time effects. +10% yield increase when harvesting.
300: +7% damage to targets below 50% health. 25% reduction in Azoth travel cost.
350: +10% ability damage. +10% chance at finding rare items while harvesting.
25: +5% ability cooldown reduction. +5% chance to catch larger fish.
25: All health consumables are 10% stronger. +10% Logging speed.
50: +10% physical armor when at or above 50% health. 10% reduction on durability loss for tools.
100: Increase max health by 10%. +50 encumbrance.
150: -10% to critical damage taken. -10% weight of logging items.
Since I made this guy on the test server all my gear is best in slot!
Feel free to go for penetrating backstab instead of attunement on the rapier.
I love having Vigor on the armor, the anti-dot protection is huge for reducing damage taken over a fight. If you want to run Shirking Heals you can drop some elemental aversion or refreshing for it, but this build DOES NOT NEED shirking heals!
The jewelry is perfect!
As always use the best food you can find, honing stones, and health / mana / regeneration / OP new super potions introduced in the expansion! Of course remember to use the desert sunrise drink to give you more DOT resistance!
Active Skills
Riposte - 4/4 Upgrades
Riposte is a great defensive and offensive skill, the turnaround stun can setup some huge backstab combos or allow you to escape!
This is the flex spot for this build so feel free to use a different skill here if you want!
Evade - 5/5 Upgrades
The bones of rapier, evade is truly the greatest skill it has. You can cancel any skill or animation with it and use it to attack or defend. The super low cooldown means you can use evade a ton in a fight especially if your landing attacks!
Fleche - 4/4 Upgrades
A fast gap closer that allows you to travel through players and has a follow up backstab.
Fleche paired with burnout gives this build some of the best mobility in the game!
Fire Staff
Fire Ball - 2/3 Upgrades
A very powerful AOE blast that is your go to skill of choice to start a fight. Fire ball can hit like a truck thanks to empowering fireball on the staff, and you can expect 5k+ crits with it against squishies!
Pillar Of Fire - 2/3 Upgrades
The second AOE blast of this build that odes more damage to burning targets. Pilar also cancels really smooth after a heavy attack, with heavy attack > pillar > light attack being one of my favorite ranged burst combos!
Burnout - 3/3 Upgrades
The second gap closer of this build that can deal huge amounts of damage on the skill shot. I prefer to use burnout to attack since the wind up animation can be risky defensively.