Freya’s Francisca / Greatsword PvP Build

Season 7


Freya’s Francisca is a hidden gem. This weapon gives you crazy fast cooldowns on throwing hatchet skills and allows you to spam your throws for deceptively strong burst damage! Greatsword pairs super well with it, giving this build excellent mobility and durability / healing power. As always, this guy hits like a truck!

Check out a video guide with gameplay for this build!


Equipment / Attributes


I prefer to run 300 DEX for that super useful CC break on swap, but if you want more damage then 350 STR with the rest in DEX is the way to go!

Freya’s Francisca does well with Vicious since throwing hatchet has a super high critical rate, but attunement could work here as well!

The ideal Greatsword would be Trenchant Strikes / Keen Speed / Purifying Steadfast Strike or Relentless Freedom.

The ideal armor perks would be Refreshing / Elemental Aversion / Shirking Heals. You can substitute Aversion for Enchanted ward too! At least one Hasted Vigor is also a must have for that easy Haste stacking.

Refreshing Distancing throw would be an excellent armor perk to go with the Francisca. I also think the nimble coast would be a fantastic addition to this build for even more cooldown reduction! Use the Runeglass of your choice, I would prefer stamina recovery personally!

The jewelry is perfect. You don’t need an artifact item here, but feel free to use one of your choice.

As always use the best food you can find, honing stones, and mana pots for that healthy toast perk! Regen potions or serums are the best healing options thanks to the bigger health pool of this build.


Active Skills


Hatchet Skills

The hatchet tree is focused big time on outgoing damage, while it might be tempting to take Infected throw, Freya’s Francisca will reduce the cooldown of all your hatchet skill, so this build can have a crazy good uptime on Berserk!

For the most part you will be spamming your two throwing skills as long as your landing hits.


Greatsword Skills

The Greatsword is also focused on cooldown reduction, with all the skills being excellent damage options while still providing good utility thanks to this weapons crazy stamina sustain!

I also like to build into the Greatsword block, allowing it to block full ranged damage.