Inferno / Greatsword PvP Build - Season 6

With Inferno giving a 15% damage bonus to both weapons, this build is now one of the hardest hitting Greatsword builds in the game. No Serenity required. On top of being able to kill light players in a second, this build has excellent mobility and possibly the most broken healing power I have ever experienced in this game. Hope ya like it!

*Inferno is currently bugged and not scaling the burn damage from STR properly, despite this the build is still so dam strong..


Inferno / Greatsword PvP Build - Season 4

I have always wanted to try this build.. Greatsword and Fire Staff both have excellent AOE damage and mobility. If your looking to do big damage to lots of targets, this is the build for you!

I prefer to play in light armor, but this setup would be great at any weight!


Serenity / Musket PvP Build - Season 4

This build is unexpectedly a very good build, it has super high damage, mobility and healing power. Mixing the huge damage of Serenity with Traps gives you a brutal trap combo that can kill super quickly while healing you to full health.

This is one of the hardest hitting build I have ever played.. Hope you all enjoy!


Rapier / Greatsword PvP Build - Brimstone Sands

A super mobile, hard hitting light armor build that has a very involved and flashy playstyle! With both fantastic single target and AOE damage options, this build also does a great job moving quickly across the battlefield which perfect for a full melee setup.

I think this build also has a very high skill ceiling and is well worth spending the time and money on! Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did!


Greatsword / Hatchet PvP Build - Brimstone

A powerful Greatsword damage build that has a ton of mobility and can be very hard to lock down and kill. This build spends a lot of time in Onslaught stance and has very hard hitting heavy attacks, while also having a very hard hitting close ranged option with the Hatchet.

When you mix Greatsword and Hatchet’s utility it makes this build very mobile and very annoying to kill. The high risk of Greatsword’s Onslaught stance pairs perfectly with the undeath save from Hatchet.

I found this build to be very strong in PvP.


Greatsword / Rapier PvP Build - Brimstone

Greatsword and Rapier together give some of the best utility for a melee build in the game. Both weapons are packed with counter moves, gap closers, and have amazing stamina sustain. Riposte + Calamity Counter alone is one of the most ridiculous skill combos for melee fighting, and this build has even more up its sleeve.

This build hits really hard, is very mobile, very hard to lock down, and always has an answer to incoming attacks. Even though I just started playing it, this feels like the best melee light armor brawler setup I have ever played.

Greatsword is not on the live server yet, so things may change before then!