
How is damage calculated?

A list of useful formulas and charts for calculating / understanding New World’s game mechanics.

Damage formula

Damage = base weapon damage * (1 + attribute bonus + armor bonus + sum of equipment and passive bonuses) * (skill damage + skill damage bonus) * critical modifier * (1-damage reduction) * enemy level modifier

In short, this formula shows that a 10% damage bonus won’t always be a 10% boost in damage, and you get more diminishing returns when you stack more % damage for your build.

Base Critical Chance and Damage

All melee weapons have a guaranteed critical on backstab (attacking an opponent from behind), non magical ranged weapons have a guaranteed critical on headshot, and magical weapons have no guaranteed critical mechanic.

Weapon Critical Chance (%) Base Critical Damage Bonus (%) Guaranteed Critical
Bow 5% + 30% On Headshot
Fire Staff 4% + 20% None
Great Axe 3% + 40% On Backstab
Hatchet 4% + 40% On Backstab
Ice Gauntlet 3% + 30% None
Life Staff 2% + 20% None
Musket 2% + 30% On Headshot
Rapier 5% + 40% On Backstab
Spear 5% + 30% On Backstab
Sword And Shield 3% + 30% On Backstab
War Hammer 2% + 20% On Backstab