A close quarters ranged weapon that fires 6 pellets in a single blast. Ideal for keeping pressure on melee targets and getting up close and personal with ranged targets.

Scales with Primarily with Strength and Secondarily with Intelligence.

  • Light Attack: Deals 23% Thrust damage, and fires a 6 pellet buckshot.

  • Each cartridge loads 2 shots.

  • Base Critical chance: 2%.

  • Base Critical damage: + 10%.

Ranged thrust weapon, uses bullets for ammunition.

Guaranteed critical on headshot.

You can choose up to 19 skills from your weapon trees at level 20 mastery.

Check out a full video breakdown of this weapon!



Active Skills


Net Shot


Claw Shot


Azoth Shrapnel Blast


Passive Skills


Row 1


Row 2


Row 3


Row 4


Row 5


Final Row



Active Skills


Splitting Grenade


Mortar Charge


Blast Shot


Passive Skills


Row 1

Row 2


Row 3


Row 4


Row 5


Final Row